Erratica: Casteisim Recasted

Rajendra Prasad Mohapatra

According to ancient Shastras- there are four types of casts. These are Brahman, khyatriya, baisya and Shudra. This classification is not based on birth rather on inner tendencies of man. The classification is not only confined to Hinduism only, rather it is applicable to the whole humanity. According to the rishis of the Upanishadik lore Brahmins have the dominance of Satwa with a dash of Rajas. Khyatriyas have the dominance of Rajas with a dash of Satwa and a hazy Tamas. Baisyas have dominant rajas with a dash of tamas and a hazy Satwa. On the other hand Sudras have a dominant Tamas with a dash of Rajas. So, according to this suitable distribution of gunas there is a scientific classification of man. According to this system a Christian or Muslim can also be divided under these four categories. According to the tendencies of the gunas a man reacts in the society. The process also determines the occupation of a man. Generally a Brahmin by tendency is a man of intellect and he lives in knowledge. His nature of job is to disseminate knowledge in the society. Likewise a khyatriya prefers war. He is aggressive and dynamic. A Baisya prefers to be a businessman under the influence of his gunas. Likewise a Shudra likes to serve the society and live in reciprocation. The society returns some meager amount in terms of their service rendered. According to the pundit class The Bramhins are in the highest rung of evolution, next to them are Khatriya, then Baisya and then Shudra. But another school of thought has a different view. They are of the opinion that- it is just upside down. According to them Brahmins are in the lowest rung of evolution and Shudras are in the acme of it. Their logic seems to be pretty rational. They are of the opinion that Brahmins are immersed in knowledge .But they are a bit selfish. They did little service to the society. They have an intellectual ego. On the other hand Shudras serve the society unconditionally. They have total surrender and love. They survive by total surrender and by getting a meager amount in reciprocation of their invaluable and indispensible service rendered to the society. So, here Love is bound to dominate over Knowledge. Joy ho Dalit!
Sub Editor - Pragativadi, Bhubaneswar

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